About Me

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Las Vegas, NV, United States

A Message to You

Hello! Welcome to my blog spot! The Rascal Scribbles is a means to express my feelings and opinions on various incidences I deal with in my very-ordinary life. I do not intend to enforce agreements, or trigger a happening; rather, I merely wish to share, hopefully, some useful information, and moreover, entice curiosity to my readers. Thanks for dropping by and I hope you can enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing. : )

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

"The Crazies" and "Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief"

The movie trailers showed all the juicy suspense highlights it was pointless watching it on the big screen. The clips were just so intriguing I got in the bandwagon of seeing it. I should've read online reviews before watching it so I didn't have to waste time and money. Too late for that now.

It's funny that the war of the Greek gods in the movie happened in the United States. Is that how vast the world is? All in one country? Funny. Then again, I would choose this movie over "The Crazies" any day.

Early Morning Treat

I was awakened with kisses this morning and I had breakfast prepared for me before leaving for work. What a great way to start a day. I feel so loved. :)