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Las Vegas, NV, United States

A Message to You

Hello! Welcome to my blog spot! The Rascal Scribbles is a means to express my feelings and opinions on various incidences I deal with in my very-ordinary life. I do not intend to enforce agreements, or trigger a happening; rather, I merely wish to share, hopefully, some useful information, and moreover, entice curiosity to my readers. Thanks for dropping by and I hope you can enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing. : )

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

That Teeny Weeny Mattress Store

I know, this is not exactly the best bed in the world, but this is our FIRST bed as a couple; thus, it needs some recognition. For two months, my husband and I slept in an inflatable bed, delaying the purchase of a real bed since we did not have enough money to buy one, and that there are more important necessities in our newly-weds'-to-buy list. Moreover, we only have a six-month lease on the apartment we are currently staying at, and we thought it would be a hassle carrying the bed from one place to another knowing we'd be moving out soon anyway. However, on one of our day-offs together, we decided to check out some beds and see if we could find a good deal somewhere. We left the house having no real intentions of buying. We just wanted to see what our options were and how much we'd have to save for, if in case the money we had was not enough. We thought that a bed is an investment, thereby, we weren't just going to buy anything cheap for the sake of having one; we wanted something that can last us a long time. Thus, our quest for a bed begins.

On our search, we mutually liked the Dylan collection (as seen on the picture above). We wanted it low, black or dark colored, and in leather. When we saw this picture in one of the magazines, we fell in love with it and planned on buying that or at least something that would get as close to such collection.

To make the story short, we found the Dylan in one of the first stores we went to, but it was pricey and the owner said that it will take at least a week and a half to have it delivered to us. We talked about the price, which was out of our range at that time, but eventually, we agreed to go for it because it was what we really wanted. After checking out at least five stores, we decided to call it a day and was about to head to the mall to relax. On our way to the nearest freeway, I saw a small billboard sign saying, "MATTRESS" and told my husband about it and asked if he'd like to check it out. He hesitated initially saying that it looks like a small store that would probably not carry the bed we wanted. I was indifferent and did not really care if we checked it or not, since I was tired myself. Well, my husband had a change of heart and thought that maybe we could find something else that might be cheaper, hopefully a mattress or the bed case, so we drove back. When we parked right in front of the store, the lights were off already and we thought that we were too late since they had closed (See, this was about 8pm. Normally, stores close at 7pm.). We were about to get back in the car when the lights turned on. The person manning the store (who we later found out as the owner) greeted us and asked us to go ahead and have a look at what they have. It was, indeed, a small store, and there were not a lot of bed sets available for viewing. Low and behold, the Dylan collection was there! They did not have the complete collection, yet, they had the bed frame, mattress, and side table at a more affordable, bundled price compared to the other store we'd gone to. We asked what type of financing they had and after knowing that it suited us, my hubby gave the call and said, "We'll take it." At first I thought that it was very impetuous of us to purchase it right away, but it was really a good deal, and the best part of it was that they could deliver it immediately (like that same night)....for free! Contrary to what we planned before leaving the house, we ended up going home with a bed that day. The owner himself delivered the bed and actually put the bed together once we got home. He was really friendly and funny that he showed us some circus tricks that he learned from his old occupation as a circus performer. We did not only get a bed, but we also made a new friend.

In the future, if we have more funds, we intend to buy the rest of the set. We were glad that we made that u-turn because little did we know that the bed that we desired was in that puny mattress store just waiting for us. I guess that if it was really meant to be, it was meant to be; and that bed, was no question, meant for us. *big smile

This is our Dylan and we love it. It looks a little taller because our purchase included a bed box and we didn't know what to do with it so we decided to just keep it. It's just good to have a nice bed to lay on at the end of the day. : )

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